The Volunteer Connection: Creating a Supportive Network

Volunteers are the lifeblood of many nonprofits. The 2021 Volunteering in America Report found that 60.7M adults (23.2 percent) volunteered 4.1 billion hours, and the economic value was estimated at $122.9 billion.  Whether it is a
volunteer board, peer-to-peer fundraisers, or volunteers for your biggest event of the year, there is a skill to engaging these individuals in your organization. Check out the resources below for experts’ tips on increasing and improving your volunteer management.

4 Resources:

🧰 ToolThe New Volunteer Manager’s Toolkit (VolunteerMatch)
📰 ArticleIdealist and Points of Light’s Guide to Volunteer Recruitment and Retention (Idealist)
📊 Data ResourceHow to Build an Effective Volunteer Management Plan in Six Steps (Wild Apricot)
🎙️ PodcastThe Engaged Volunteer – Season 4, Episode 3 (The Engaged Volunteer)

1 Quote:

Volunteering is the ultimate exercise in democracy. You vote in elections once a year, but when you volunteer, you vote every day about the kind of community you want to live in. – Author unknown

1 Question:

Reflect on this question: ‘What new volunteer opportunities can you create to better engage your community?’ Your insights could be the key to a more vibrant and engaged volunteer community.

If you are wanting to begin using volunteers, revive your volunteer program, or enhance your program, we’d love to help you, contact us for a consultation. Let’s find out how we can work together to invest in your mission.

Thank you for your dedication to making a difference.

Take care,



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