Volunteers are the lifeblood of many nonprofits. The 2021 Volunteering in America Report found that 60.7M adults (23.2 percent) volunteered 4.1 billion hours, and the economic value was estimated at $122.9 billion. Whether it is a
volunteer board, peer-to-peer fundraisers, or volunteers for your biggest event of the year, there is a skill to engaging these individuals in your organization. Check out the resources below for experts’ tips on increasing and improving your volunteer management.
4 Resources:
🧰 Tool – The New Volunteer Manager’s Toolkit (VolunteerMatch)
📰 Article – Idealist and Points of Light’s Guide to Volunteer Recruitment and Retention (Idealist)
📊 Data Resource – How to Build an Effective Volunteer Management Plan in Six Steps (Wild Apricot)
🎙️ Podcast – The Engaged Volunteer – Season 4, Episode 3 (The Engaged Volunteer)
1 Quote:
Volunteering is the ultimate exercise in democracy. You vote in elections once a year, but when you volunteer, you vote every day about the kind of community you want to live in. – Author unknown
1 Question:
Reflect on this question: ‘What new volunteer opportunities can you create to better engage your community?’ Your insights could be the key to a more vibrant and engaged volunteer community.
If you are wanting to begin using volunteers, revive your volunteer program, or enhance your program, we’d love to help you, contact us for a consultation. Let’s find out how we can work together to invest in your mission.
Thank you for your dedication to making a difference.
Take care,